Carbon Footprint Challenge
Carbon Footprint Challenge 1500 833 R&G Fresh carbon footprint measures the impact of our actions on the environment – a chief symptom of climate change. R&G FRESH is committed to low impact environmental activity and has actively pursued a strategy of dramatically reducing its carbon footprint by 2022.
“There are a number of areas that we are focussing on” commented Mathew Prestwich, Managing Director at R&G FRESH, “a focus on packaging is key and we are assessing all forms of materials that can be recycled, composted, or are biodegradable, but this won’t be a quick fix. It is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each, including acceptability for use (does it protect the product?) and then the ease of use from the consumers perspective. Plastic isn’t only about packaging and we are carrying our extensive plastics audits across the entire business and supply chain. We are also working closely with all suppliers to make sure we use the fresh produce we buy – this means that we don’t overproduce, we don’t transport waste and dispose of excess product which would mean wasted energy across the whole supply chain.”

“In addition to the operational elements of carbon reduction, energy use at Hawley Lane is carefully monitored. All of the energy consumed comes from renewable sources and plans are ongoing to harness solar energy to provide up to 60% of the annual electricity use.”
Amjad Hussain, R&G FRESH’s Supply Chain Manager has been researching agricultural initiatives as a way of reducing R&G FRESH’s carbon footprint. ‘Packaging is a major part of the solution; other ways we’re looking at minimising our carbon overhead is by lowering inputs such as efficient use of water usage, fertilise, allowing the crops to grow for longer, thus increasing the length of the product and getting bigger yields per acre of crop by utilising specs to use all of the plant.’
In summary, Amjad explained: ‘As a customer you don’t necessarily spend much time looking at the packaging of fresh produce, or the cultivation techniques, but there’s a lot of technical competence and thought that goes into making sure the herbs are at their freshest – in a way that impacts on the environment as little as possible.’